To those of you in need of advertising-quality Japanese written to your English text

---- a n a s † a s i a offers you a good way to save money and time!


In my 18 years of experience (as of Aug. 2009), I have seen many businesses entering the Japanese market taking a two-step way, when they want advertising-quality Japanese written to their English ads:
?? English ads → Translated into Japanese by a translator → The translation Japanese then rewritten into “advertising” Japanese by a Japanese copywriter As you can easily tell, this takes a lot of money and time, since the translator and the copywriter work in sequence.

?a n a s t a s i a offers a lot more efficient way:
English ads → Turned into “advertising” Japanese directly
This saves you a lot of money and time!

For more details on how this “direct trans-lingual copywriting” works, please visit my English explanation in the website of ASURA, an “ally” of ?a n a s t a s i a in A-SOFT, at

To place an order to ?a n a s t a s i a or ask for more details, please contact me, Heeday.

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