No NFT offers, please! / NFTは扱っておりません!

No NFT offers, please!

At least for now (June 2024), I do NOT
deal with NFTs. So, please do not bring
up a NFT offer to me!

’Cause I consider NFTs as a means to
set up “originals” of digital images.
That’s why they are “non-fungible”, am I
This means a hand-painted “original”
artwork does not need a NFT, for

Subtle color differences
Moreover, to turn a hand-painted
painting into a digital image, you need
to photograph it first, right?
Then, you “mint” the digital photo
into a NFT and then upload it to a
NFT website.

Now, I tell you, no camera so far is
able to reproduce subtle coloring of
a hand-painted artwork.
Just take a close look at the two images
of the same recent painting of mine,
shown below:
One scanned, the other photographed.

“Whose Shelter?”, scanned / スキャナー

Photo of the same / 同じ作品の写真

You see, no digital reproduction of a
hand-painted painting can justly
claim to be the “original”!

Thus, I treat
– a hand-painted original painting  and
– a NFT of that original
as two separate things.


Some NFT dealers still come to me saying
that I should still mint my paintings into
First of all, to be honest, I suspect that
such insistence can be a scam attempt.
Naturally, I do not think well of such
a “NFT insister.”

If you insist, and do not wish to be treated
like a scammer, just follow the procedure

1) Contact me, and let’s negotiate the
photographing right fee of my paintings
you want to turn into NFTs.
2) Upon receiving the agreed photographing right
fee from you, I’ll send you the original paintings
wanted, with me covering the shipment.
3) You photograph the originals, and send them
back to me with you covering the shipment.
4) The rest is up to you. You can mint the 
photos into NFTs and resell them, at your own expense.
Note that I do not claim any commission or
other payment from you for such reselling.
All I claim from you is the photographing right
fee above. Since I treat a hand-painted original and its
NFT as two separate things, I do not claim any money
from the NFT sale. The NFT is YOUR work, not mine.
5) Wherever you display and/or resell a NFT of
my painting, be sure to clearly indicate
Original hand painting by Heeday Francis.
Made into NFT by ***(your name)***

The 1) through 5) is the only way you can
turn my paintings into NFTs.


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