“Eidoloklasma 1”, done / (偶像破壊)、完成

So, this is done.
Oil pastel on paper
365 x 505 mm (14.4″ x 19.9″)
Price: To be negotiated

365 x 505 mm
お値段: 交渉で

Whole, photo / 全体、写真

Upper detail, scanned / 上部ディテール、スキャナー

Lower detail, scanned / 下部ディテール、スキャナー


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“Aerial Encounter”, Stage 2 / ステージ2 (大気中での遭遇)

Stage 2, whole and detail
Pen pointilism on paper
In progress


Whole, photo / 写真、全体

Detail / ディテール


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Finalized scratch for “Three Angels”

I think the scratch just below is messy.
So I’ve finalized it.


Finalized scratch / 確定スクラッチ


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“Thinking scratch” for “Three Angels” / (3人の天使) のための「検討スクラッチ」

Usually, an artist does not show in public a scratch like this.
I’m exceptional. I appreciate it when people share some of my imagination —


“Thinking scratch” for “Three Angels” / (3人の天使) のための「検討スクラッチ」


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Aerial Encounter, Stage 1 / (空中での出会い)、ステージ1

Way below on May 29, I presented the changed scratch for this
new painting. Now, at long last, I’ve resumed the work on this one.
I’ve been busy with a certain portrait, on which I’m still working.


Pen on paper

“Aerial Encounter”, St. 1, whole, photo / ステージ 1、全体、写真

Upper detail, scanned / 上部ディテール、スキャナー

Lower detail, scanned / 下部ディテール、スキャナー


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“Eidoloklasma”, St. 4 / (偶像破壊)、ステージ4

Close to the finish —

Whole, photo / 全体、写真


Upper detail, scanned / 上部ディテール、スキャナー

Lower detail, scanned / 下部ディテール、スキャナー


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“Suspicion-Mutual”, done / (相互疑惑)、完成

So, this is done.

“Suspicion-Mutual”, done, whole, photo / 完成、全体、写真

Oil pastel and wax pastel on paper
426 x 365 mm (16.8″ x 14.4″)
Price: To be negotiated

426 x 365 mm
お値段:  交渉で

Upper right detail, scanned / 右上ディテール、スキャナー

Bottom left detail, scanned / 左下ディテール、


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Sketches for a portrait — an example / ポートレイトのためのスケッチ、一例

I’ve been busy working on five sketches for a portrait, on commission from a customer.
Before beginning full-fledged work, I create and present several different sketches to the client and ask him/her to determine which way to go.

Here is a “pencil-scratchy” example. I already made four others, but they can help identify who are on the group portrait. This particular one here runs no such risk.



“Pencil-scratchy” sketch for a commissioned portrait


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“Whose Shelter?”, done / (誰のシェルター?)、完成

So, this is done.
In a “peace time”, many just pass by
homeless people giving them a scornful
Yet once a major quake has hit the city,
or a nuclear attack —??

Whose Shelter?
Done / 完成

“Whose Shelter?”
coloring pencil and wax pastel on paper
285 x 255 mm (11.2″ x 10″)
Price: To be negotiated

285 x 255 mm
お値段 : 交渉で

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“Eidoloklasma”, St. 3 / (偶像破壊)、ステージ3

This “idol destruction” is in its Stage 3.
The work continues.


Stage 3, whole, photo / ステージ3、全体、写真

Upper detail, scanned / 上部ディテール、スキャナー

Lower detail, scanned / 下部ディテール、スキャナー


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