To order or inquire (Contact info & self intro) / お問い合わせ・ご注文は (連絡先と自己紹介)

Paintings delivered to your home! / ご自宅に絵画を発送!

Just contact me, Heeday Francis (citizen registration name: Hideki Washio) at:

下記で、私 ヒデ フランシス (戸籍名: 鷲尾 秀樹(わしお ひでき))までご連絡ください

#202 Suzuki-so, 5-13-5, Kamitakada, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 164-0002  Japan

E-mail:  yadokari_ermite[at] (<– Replace [at] with @)
Phone (if necessary): +81-90-9675-3127

〒164-0002 東京都 中野区上高田 5-13-5  鈴木荘 202

Eメール: yadokari_ermite[at] (← [at] を@で置き換えてくださいませ)
電話(必要でしたら): 090-9675-3127

★ You can also visit my Facebook page, “Painter Francis Heeday, and enter comments or
send me a message there.
私のFacebookページ、Painter Francis Heeday で、私にコメントやメッセージを下さることもできます。

★★ Prices and payments / お値段とお支払い ★★

Basically, the prices shown on this website do NOT include
– Framing
– Shipment (I’ll show you the certificate of receipt for the shipment of your order!)

・ 額装
・ 送料 (実際の送料の領収証をお見せします!)
* なお、消費税は不要です。

* For a custom-made painting, please let me know your budget first!
* ご注文に応じて描く絵画の場合、最初にご予算をお知らせください

Payment / 代金のお支払い — Pay ONLY after you’ve received your order! / お支払いは、作品の到着後に!

Within 12 days of the arrival of the work you ordered, please transfer the invoiced amount to the account below. You have no obligation to pay me anything until you receive the work!

Holder: Hideki Washio, Saving account number: 6651965
Koenji Branch (089), Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SWIFT: SMBC JP JT)
銀行口座 三井住友銀行 高円寺支店(089) 普通 6651965 名義: 鷲尾 秀樹

* In case you prefer a means of payment other than a wire transfer between banks, for instance an international money order, please let me know in your first order e-mail
For instance, you can airmail me a check denominated in USD or euro and issued by your bank.

* You have 8 days of “cooling off,” after your order has arrived. In case you send the work back to me, I ask you to pay the send-back postage.
During this “cooling off,” I ask you to confirm you like the actual painting you have received, since photos never precisely present the actual colors of paintings.
In case you don’t like it and send it back to me, you have no obligation to pay me any money!

* IN CASE your country’s import regulations apply some tariff to the paintings you
buy from me, please follow the applicable regulations. I, Heeday, have no knowledge
of your country’s import tariff regulations!

* IN CASE you want an installment plan, just let me know.
I’ll be happy to negotiate each case!

* ご注文の作品の到着後、8日間のクーリングオフ期間を設けております。ご返送の場合の送料は、お客様にご負担いただいております。

* 分割払いをご希望の場合には、お知らせください。


Who is “Heeday Francis” / 「Heeday Francis」とは? 

A self-portrait of Heeday / Heeday自画像
(Part of an assemblage work, soft pastel on paper

Heeday / わしお ひでき

Heeday, self-portrait

I, ”Heeday Francis”, have been a freelance artist in Tokyo.
My major lines of business are
– Painting and drawing
– Dyeing and painting on clothes
Also, occasionally,
– Print designing

I used to call my own workshop “Atelier anastasia”, but in August 2018 I found there is a cosmetic brand carrying the same name. Though the cosmetic company sent me no complaint so far, I don’t like carrying a confusing name.
So, on August 30th, 2018, I changed its name to plain and simple “Heeday Francis”.
My “citizen registration name” is “Hideki Washio”.

I used to serve a creative agency in Tokyo as creative director, from 1987 to 1991.
Since 1991, I’ve been painting and drawing as a freelancer.

You might wonder why I use several different styles in my paintings.
Well, I do not confine myself to any single style — rather, I change
my styles to best suit the subject, message, etc., so I can help the
viewers gain the best inspiration, awareness, meditation, etc.

As you see, I’m NOT one of those painters that boast their technical
mastery. I do NOT wish to paint that way.
Rather, I want to help you gain some new inspiration, awareness, etc.
so you can find some “light of hope” !!!

I hope you find my paintings helpful in that sense.

私「Heeday Francis」は、東京でフリーのアーティストとしてやってきております。
・ 絵画
・ Tシャツなどのペイントと染色
・ 印刷物などのデザイン

以前は自分のアトリエを「アトリエ あなすたーしゃ」と呼んでいたのですが、2018年8月、その名のコスメティクス ブランドがあることを発見しました。そのブランドから私に何か苦情等があったわけではないのですが、私自身が、混乱を招く名前を使うことを嫌うので、2018年8月30日、単純な「Heeday Francis」に名称を変更しました。
なお、私の「戸籍名」は「鷲尾 秀樹」(わしお ひでき)です。

私は1987年から1991年まで、東京のあるクリエイティブ エージェンシーで
クリエイティブ ディレクターでした。1991年以降、フリーで絵を描いてきております。





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