Works – Flowers (花)

A very common motif — but how do I “spiritualize” flowers???
ありふれたモチーフ ・・ でも、それをどうやって「スピリチャル化」するのか??

In April 2019, I decided to attempt to “spiritualize” flowers,
a very common motif.
So, now in June 2019, I began this page.
I’ll post more of my paintings of flowers as I create more of such paintings.


The prices below do not include the shipment or framing.
IN CASE you want any of the works below framed and then sent to you,
please let me know the size, color, style, etc. of your choice!

Just contact me, Heeday, at
yadokari_ermite* (<– Replace * with @)

お問い合わせは、私(Heeday、わしお ひでき)まで:
yadokari_ermite* (<–  * を @に置き換えてくださいませ)

++++  Recent Works  ++++

Click each image to enlarge. / 各画像をクリックすると、拡大します。
Generally, scanned images carry colors closer to the actual ones.


anthropos (Greek for “human”) + anthoi (Greek, plural, for “flowers”)
anthropos (ギリシャ語で「人間」) + anthoi (ギリシャ語、複数、「花々」)

“Anthropoanthoi”, done, whole, photo / (人花)、完成、全体、写真

Pen on paper
363 x 285 mm (14.3″ x 11.2″)
Price: To be negotiated

363 x 285 mm
お値段: 交渉で

Right detail, scanned / 右側ディテール、スキャナー

Left detail, scanned / 左側ディテール、スキャナー


photos (Greek for “light”) + dendron (Greek for “tree”)

“Photodendron”, whole, photo / 全体、写真

Pen on paper
420 x 285 mm (16.5″ x 11.2″)
Price: To be negotiated

420 x 285 mm
お値段: 交渉で

Upper detail, scanned / 上部ディテール、スキャナー

Lower detail, scanned / 下部ディテール、スキャナー

Fleur de Clochettes (鐘の花)

Another imaginary flower

“Fleur de Clochettes”, done, whole, photo / (鐘の花)、完成、全体、写真

Pen on paper
277 x 318 mm (10.9″ x 12.5″)
Price: To be negotiated

277 x 318 mm
お値段: 交渉で

Upper detail, scanned / 上部分、ディテール

Lower detail, scanned / 下部分、スキャナー

Cloud of “Fleurons” II

“Fleurons” are imaginary particles that make up
imaginary flowers.

Whole, photo / 全体、写真

Pen on paper
280 x 381 mm (11″ x 15″)
Price: To be negotiated
280 x 381 mm
お値段: 交渉で

Upper part, scanned / 上部分、スキャナー

Lower part, scanned / 下部分、スキャナー


La Fleur Ardente (燃えいずる花)

285 x 419mm (11.2″ x 16.5″)
Pen on paper
Price: To be negotiated

285 x 419mm
お値段: 交渉にて

Whole, photo / 全体、写真

Upper part, scanned / 上部分、スキャナー

Lower part, scanned / 下部分、スキャナー


“Spring Flower”

Pen on paper
286 x 420mm (11.3″ x 18.5″)
Price: To be negotiated

286 x 420mm
お値段: 交渉で

Whole, photo / 全体、写真

Upper part, scanned / 上部分、スキャナー

Lower part, scanned / 下部分、スキャナー


“Unknown Flower” (未知の花)

210 x 297mm (8.3″ x 11.7″)
Pen on paper
Price: To be negotiated

210 x 297mm
お値段: 交渉で

“Unknown Flower”,


Morning glories (アサガオ)

240 x 356mm (9.4″ x 14″)
wax pastel on paper
Price: To be negotiated

240 x 356mm
価格: 交渉で

Whole, photo / 全体、写真

Top left part, scanned / 左上部分、スキャナー画像



“Cloud of Fleurons” (花量子のクラウド)

”Cloud of Fleurons”, top-left portion / 左上部分

Bottom-right portion / 右下部分


242 x 352 mm (9.5″ x 13.9″)
Felt-tip pen on paper
Price to be negotiated

242 x 352 mm

“Imaginary Flower of Flames” (架空の炎の花)

Felt-tip marker on paper
335 x 238mm (13,2″ x 9.4″)
Price: To be negotiated
(To find my contact info, just click “To order or inquire”
in the black menu above!)

335 x 238mm
価格: 交渉で

“Imaginary Rose” (架空のバラ)


“Imaginary Rose”, major portion / 主要部分

339 x 239mm (13.3″ x 9.4″)
Felt-tip marker on paper
Price: To be negotiated

339 x 239mm
お値段: 交渉にて

Upper portion / 最上部

Lower portion / 最下端部


“Imaginary Flowers II”, an exercise in pointillism
(架空の花 II、点描の練習です)

“Imaginary Flowers II” (Just an exercise of pointillism), done / “Imaginary Flowers II” (単なる点描の練習)、完成

Just an exercise. Not for sale.
380 x 307mm (15″ x 11.9″)
Felt-tip marker on paper
380 x 307mm

“Imaginary Flowers”, an exercise in pointillism(架空の花、点描の練習です)

“Imaginary Flowers”, exercise in pointillism — not for sale / 点描の練習です・・非売品

Just an exercise. Not for sale.
380 x 282mm (15″ x 11.1″)
Felt-tip marker on paper
380 x 282mm

+++ Archive below / この下は、アーカイブです +++

NOTE: None of the works shown below is with me any more.
So, none of the below is available for sale. Sorry!!
The below is a digital archive of my past works.
I’ll post new studies and works, as I come up with them!

ご注意: この下で紹介している作品は、いずれももう私の手元になく、

Risen lilies(復活したユリ)

Risen lilies

Wax pastel (crayon) on paper
309mm x 406mm (12.2″ x 16″)
USD 200 (JPY 21,600-, if USD = JPY 108)

309mm x 406mm
21,600-円(USD = JPY 108で換算)

“Convolvulus sabatius” (セイヨウヒルガオ)

Convolvulus sabatius, done / セイヨウヒルガオ、完成

Wax pastel (crayon) on paper
406mm x 309mm (16″ x 12.2″)
USD 150 (JPY 16,000-, if USD = JPY 107)
309mm x 406mm
16,000-円(USD = JPY 107で換算)

“Azalea Way” (ツツジの道)

“Azalea Way”, done / 完成

Wax pastel (crayon) on paper
406 x 200mm (16″ x 7.9″)
USD 100 (JPY 10,800, if USD = JPY108)
10,800円(USD = JPY 108で換算)

“Rose of Sharon” (ムクゲ)

“Rose of Sharon”, scanned image / スキャン画像

Oil pastel on paper
305 x 405mm (12″ x 16″)
USD 200 (JPY 21,400, if USD = JPY107)
305 x 405mm
21,400円(USD = JPY 107で換算)

“Cosmos Field” (コスモスの場)

“Cosmos Field”, done / 完成

Felt-tip marker on paper
(I used “PITT Artist Pens” of Faber-Castell, and the
manufacturer claims the markers’ ink I used is durable
for at least 25 years.)
252 x 405mm (9.9″ x 15.9″)
USD 200-        (JPY 21,400-, if USD = JPY 107)

(Faber-Castell社の”PITT Artist Pens” を使用しており、
252 x 405mm
21,400-円(USD = JPY 107で換算)

“Lycoris Radiata” (ヒガンバナ)

“Lycoris Radiata”

Wax pastel and color pencil on paper
305 x 405mm (12″ x 16″)
USD 350- (approx. JPY 38,000-, if USD = JPY 108.6)
305 x 405mm
38,000円(USD = JPY 108.6で換算)

“Imaginary Flowers”

“Imaginary Flowers”

Wax pastel on paper
309 x 406mm (12.2″ x 16″)
USD 380- (approx. JPY 41,400-, if USD = JPY 109)
309 x 406mm
41,400-円(USD = JPY 109で換算)

Four-piece suite, “Flowers of Hours”

This is a suite of four imaginary flowers that tell the hours of a day —

Piece 1: “Flower of the Dawn”
ピース 1: “Flower of the Dawn”(夜明けの花)

“Flower of the Dawn”

Wax pastel on paper
234 x 408mm (9.2″ x 16.1″)
USD 300-
234 x 408mm
JPY 33,300- (USD = JPY 111 で換算)

Piece 2: “Flower of the Day”
ピース 2: “Flower of the Day”(昼の花)

“Flower of the Day”

Wax pastel on paper
315 x 315mm (12.4″ x 12.4″)
USD 300-
315 x 315mm
JPY 33,300- (USD = JPY 111 で換算)

Piece 3: “Flower of the Sunset”
ピース 3: “Flower of the Sunset”(日没の花)

“Flower of the Sunset”

Wax pastel on paper
410 x 255 mm (16.1″ x 10″)
USD 300-
410 x 255 mm
JPY 33,300- (USD = JPY 111 で換算)

Piece 4: “Flower of the Night”
ピース 4: “Flower of the Night”(夜の花)
(Last piece of this suite / この連作の最後)

“Flower of the Night”

Wax pastel and oil pastel on paper
315 x 365 mm (12.4″ x 14.4″)
USD 300-
410 x 255 mm
JPY 33,300- (USD = JPY 111 で換算)

3-piece suite, “Flos Commenticius I” (Imaginary Flower I)
3連作 “Flos Commenticius I”(想像上の花 I)

Piece 1

“Flos Commenticius I” (Imaginary Flower I) / (想像上の花 I)

Wax pastel and oil pastel on paper
251 x 407 mm (9.9″ x 16″)
USD 300-
251 x 407 mm
JPY 32,100- (USD = JPY 107 で換算)

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