Painting on clothes (衣服へのペイント)

Painting on clothes  — another kind of “socio-conscious” paintings
衣服に描く — もう1つの「社会を考えた」絵画のあり方

— Custom-painted (to paint to your order). Please click “Painting on commission” on the black menu above too. You can have “fashion activism” clothes painted to your order,
if you want to.
— ご注文に応じて描きます。上の黒いメニューで「ご注文による創作」もクリック!
お望みなら、ご自分の指示したメッセージの「ファッション アクティヴィズム」の衣服も

I, Heeday, can paint on some t-shirts and other clothes as well — of course, to your order.
The price is negotiable — usually, USD70 to 150 a tee, with both sides (front and back) hand-painted.
I can paint on shoulders, sleeves, etc. too.
For more info, such as washability (most of my hand-painted T-shirt works stand dozens of times of machine-washing), durability, etc., please contact me at
yadokari_ermite* (<– Please replace * with @)

yadokari_ermite* (<– * を@で置き換えてくださいませ)

Click each image to enlarge / 画像をクリックすると、大きくなります

Dyed and Painted by hand — no two pieces are the same!

Examples / 実例

“Beyond Nuclear” (sample, not for sale / サンプル、非売品)


Front / 前


Back / 背面

Beyond Nuclear, on purple (sample, not for sale)

Front / 前面

Back / 背面

Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth / 地に平和を)


Front, whole / 前面、全体


Back, done / 背面、完成


“Sopranist” (ソプラニスト)
Turtle shirt / タートルシャツ

Front / 前面

Back side / 背面



Get over Nukes (核のない世界へ)

White turtle-neck shirt, dyed and then painted

Front / 前面

Back / 背面



Let’s go beyond nukes (核のない未来を目指そう)

Front, detail / 前面、ディテール

Back, detail / バック、ディテール



“Dona Nobis Pacem” (prayer for peace / 平和を求める祈り)
Hand-painted on a solid black T-shirt


Front , whole / オモテ、全体

Back, whole / 裏面、全体




Front, detail / オモテ、ディテール

Back, detail / 背面、ディテール



“Stop War” T-shirt
(in response to the Ukrainian War of spring, 2022)

Front side / 前面

Back / 背面


“No War”
Plain white T-shirt –> Dyed –> Painted





Front, detail


Hand-painted on a plain black T-shirt, with “tachisme” on the back

Front / 前面

Back, detail / 背面、ディテール




Left shoulder / 左肩


“Male Soprano”
A practical use — to avoid surprising the people around you when you sing, say, as part of a church congregation. You know, male sopranos are a very hard-to-find rarity!

Front / 前面


Back, done / 背面、完成


A music note on a sleeve / 袖に音符

“SOP” (soprano) on the other sleeve / もう一方の袖に、SOP(soprano)






Male Soprano 2

More vivid colors on black

Front. Wish my camera was able to capture the subtle colors — / 前面。私のカメラでは、微妙な色合いを ・・・

Detail / ディテール



Back, detail / 背面、ディテール








Back, whole / 背面、全体








”Cross & Lily”

Front / 前面

Front, detail / 前面、ディテール


On shoulders too / 肩にもペイント



Back, detail / 背面、ディテール

Cross and roses

The original parka, back / 元のパーカ、背面

After painting / 描画後



Sanguine Domini
T-shirt dyed and handpainted after an imaginary Christian metal band ”Sanguine Domini”
The paints contain glitters and reflect light — so, hard to photograph
手で染めてペイントしたTシャツ。Sanguine Dominiという架空のChristian metal bandを想定。

Back / 背面

Back / 背面

Front, pn a torso / 前面、トルソーに

Front, on a torso / 前面、トルソーに









Front / 前面

Front / 前面

Back, on a torso / 背面、トルソーに

Back, on a torso / 背面、トルソーに











Dyed and painted with hand

Front / オモテ

Front / オモテ

Back / ウラ

Back / ウラ










Simply dyed
Just dyed — no painting, no message

"Simply dyed" T-shirt, done, front

“Simply dyed” T-shirt, done, front

"Simply dyed" T-shirt, done, back

“Simply dyed” T-shirt, done, back









Front, on a torso / 前、トルソーに着せてみたところ

Front, on a torso / 前、トルソーに着せてみたところ

Back, on a torso / 背面、トルソーに

Back, on a torso / 背面、トルソーに










Nuke-Free World” series (「核なき世界」シリーズ

With a prayer for a world free of WMDs — pieces of “fashion activism”
大量殺りく兵器のない世界を祈って ・・・ 「ファッション アクティヴィズム」の例

On a dark-colored T-shirt / 暗い色のTシャツの上に
Front / 前

"Nuke-Free World", front / 前

“Nuke-Free World”, front / 前

Back / 後ろ

Nuke-Free World, back / 後

Nuke-Free World, back / 後

On a torso / トルソーに着せてみた
(Note that the sleeves carry a message too / 袖にもメッセージが)

Nuke-Free World, on a torso / トルソーに

Nuke-Free World, on a torso / トルソーに


“Nuke-Free World”(核なき世界), plain message on an avant-garde dyed T-shirt

"Nuke-Free World", front

“Nuke-Free World”, front / 正面


Back / 背面

Back / 背面


On a torso, front / トルソーに着せてみた正面

On a torso, front / トルソーに着せてみた正面


On a white shirt dyed avant-garde, possibly more “feminine”

Honestly, I don’t like gender stereotypes, but some people inquired me saying,
“Don’t you have some message shirts that are more ‘feminine’?”
So, here is an example:
正直、ジェンダー ステレオタイプというものを、私は好みません。
でも、「もう少し ”フェミニンな” メッセージ シャツはないの?」というお問い合わせもありました。

The plain white shirt before dyeing / 染める前の真っ白なシャツ

Before dyeing --- solid white / 染める前。全体が真っ白

Before dyeing — solid white / 染める前。全体が真っ白

Soon after the dyeing, front / 染めた直後、前面

Front, soon after the dyeing / 染めた直後、前面

Front, soon after the dyeing / 染めた直後、前面

Done, front –> Back –> Sleeves (The sleeves have “No Nukes”)
完成、前面 ⇒ 背面 ⇒ 両袖 (袖にも、”No Nukes” というメッセージが)

Done, front (sorry for the poor lighting) / 完成、前面(光が足らず、ゴメンナサイ)

Done, front (sorry for the poor lighting) / 完成、前面(光が足らず、ゴメンナサイ)


Back / 背面

Back / 背面




The message on the back: “Go Nuke, Go Broke” — just think of what is happening to Toshiba, Areva, etc. The nuclear power business has proven to be a leviathan money loser!
背面のメッセージ: “Go Nuke, Go Broke” — 「原発ビジネスに手を出して、倒産しよう!」



On a torso / トルソーに着せてみた

Front, on a torso / トルソーに着せてみた状態、前面

Front, on a torso / トルソーに着せてみた状態、前面

Back / 背面

Back / 背面










A more traditional message — for instance, “Spiritus Gladius”
伝統的なメッセージの例 ・・・ “Spiritus Gladius”(スピリットの剣)

As you know, “Spiritus Gladius” is a very time-honored symbol, and here is an example.
Of course, I hand-painted it on a black T-shirt below.

“Spiritus Gladius”というラテン語メッセージは、古代からあるものですね。

Click each image to enlarge  /  各画像をクリックすると、拡大します

"Spiritus Gladius" , front おもて

“Spiritus Gladius” , front おもて

"Spiritus Gladius" , back うら

“Spiritus Gladius” , back うら







“Pacem in Terris” (Peace on Earth)

Hand-painted on a dyed shirt

Front done / オモテ面もできました

Front / オモテ面


Back / ウラ

Back / ウラ










“Elpis” (Hope)

Hand-painted on a dyed shirt

Front. Sorry for the moire / 前面。写真では、モアレが生じております

Back. Again, sorry for the moire / ウラ。やはり、写真ではモアレが生じております












*** Enlivening “dull” clothes ***

Example 1 — A dull parka of solid gray
例1 ・・ パッとしないグレイ1色のパーカ

Before / ペイント以前

The original parka, front — Boy, isn’t this dull! / 元のパーカ、前面・・パッとしませんよねえ

Design sketch / デザインの下絵




After / ペイントしたら

Front / 前面

Back / 背面




You see, painting on dull clothes can light it up!

Example 2 — Upper of a pajama suit turned into a message shirt
例2 ・・ パジャマの上半分だったものを、メッセージシャツに

Before / 元の状態

Front / 前面

Back / 裏面




After / ペイントしたら

Front, detail / ディテール

Back, done / 背面、完成



“Go Nuke, Go Broke” is a satire targeted at those business tycoons whose nuclear business has gone bankrupt. They should have shifted to NPP decommissioning operations, which should enjoy greater demand in the coming years, as more states have decided to go nuke-free.

The back side says, “Wise CEOs stay — away from nuke.”

“Go Nuke, Go Broke”(原発事業に手を出して、倒産しよう)は、原発部門が大赤字に陥った巨大企業への皮肉ですね。原発をやめにしていくことに決めた諸国が増えた今、需要が確実に増える廃炉事業へと、ビジネスを転換すべきでした。

裏面の “Wise CEOs stay — away from nuke”  は、「賢明なCEOなら、核(原発)には手を出さない」といった意味です。

Example 3 — Ultramarine polo
例2 ・・ ウルトラマリーンのポロ

This polo was in lovely ultramarine, but the back side had nothing but that “dark blue”. So, I painted two Christian symbols on it.


The polo, back / そのポロ、裏面


Back, whole / 背面、全体

Back, done, detail / 背面、完成、ディテール

* There is a Christian legend that some daffodils were in blossom right after Jesus’s resurrection, at the empty tomb.
* キリスト教の伝説では、キリストの復活の後、空になった墓にはスイセンが咲いていた、とのこと。
Example 4 — Indigo shirt with interesting rectangles on the front but with a solid indigo back
例4 ・・ インディゴのシャツ、オモテには面白い四角形があるが裏が全面インディゴ


Front / オモテ

Back / 裏



Front, Just a couple of more rectangles of dots / 前面、ドットの長方形を少し加えただけです

Back, done, whole / 背面、完成、全体

* Note all the flowers are made of some geometrical figures, such as strokes of arcs, “boomerang shapes”, etc., for the sake of consistency with the “given” rectangles on the front.
* 花全体を、何らかの幾何図形で形成している点にご注意ください。弧のストロークや「ブーメラン形」など。前面に「初めからあった」長方形を生かすためですね。



++ Other samples ++

Flycatchers on a t-shirt

Painted an order! / あるお客様からのご注文に合わせて描いたもの

The blue birds on the front —



Another one on a shoulder





This is something loved by many (especially ladies) —
they say, “Wow, beautiful! Where did you get your shirt?”
Of course, I reply, “I did the painting on my own.”
Then, their eyes and faces say, “Amazing!”

* Redstart is a little migrant bird that settles in Tokyo
during winter. A male has a black back with its belly clad in
brilliant scarlet, which vibrates with the deep cobalt of the winter sky.
* ジョウビタキは渡りをする小鳥で、東京には冬に滞在します。

Rerdstart / ジョウビタキ


Dyed and painted — roses
染めて、描いて ・・ バラ

This shirt, I first dyed in the kind of pink specified by the customer.
Then, I painted the roses, front and back, also on the sleeves.
それからバラを描いて ・・・ 前に、後ろに、袖に。

Front and sleeves

Front and sleeves





Cross and Roses

I have nothing to do with the “Rosenkreuzer” —
I just love rose-clad crosses!
Dyed a turtle-neck shirt first, and then dried it
and painted on it.
私は、「薔薇十字団」とは無関係です ・・・


Front and sleeves / 前面と袖

Front and sleeves / 前面と袖

On a torso —
Please note the shirt is made for 6-ft (180cm) wearers, while
the torso is 63″ (160cm) tall.

So, when you make an order to me, please be sure to
clearly specify what size you want!


On a torso -- front / トルソーに着せてみた、前面

On a torso — front / トルソーに着せてみた、前面



On a torso, back / トルソーに着せてみた、背面

On a torso, back / トルソーに着せてみた、背面


Walking with your message

This tanktop (the necklace, white t-shirt, etc. not included) went
to a university faculty member who was an anti-nuke in Taitung,
Naturally, “No Nukes” was the message she wanted. This was back in 2014.
After painting the motif you specify on a t-shirt, etc.,
I can write the message you want on top of it.
当然、彼女が求めたメッセージは、No Nukes でした。2014年のことでした。

No Nukes, front

No Nukes, front

She said she’d wear this tanktop in anti-nuke protest activities.
Now, as you know, late 2016, the Taiwanese government decided
to “go nuke-free” by 2025. I sincerely congratulate her!
Here is the back of the tanktop alone.

Back, the tanktop alone

Back, the tanktop alone


Simply dyed —

This shirt was originally solid white — plain and simple.
This customer asked me to “just dye” it.
So, here it is —
Since clothes dyeing is not my “usual line” of business, 
the rate is to be negotiated for each order.


Just dyed, front

Simply dyed, front


Simply dyed, back

Simply dyed, back

Another white shirt simply dyed

One day in 2018, I found a very old white shirt from around 1990 in my closet — I still fit me OK, but had some sallowness. So, I dyed it for myself. No message or painting intended. Just dyeing. And now it’s wearable!

Before the dyeing / 染める前

Before the dyeing / 染める前

After the colors dried / 染料が乾いた後

After the colors dried / 染料が乾いた後


On a torso / トルソーに

On a torso / トルソーに

On a torso, back / トルソーに、背面

On a torso, back / トルソーに、背面














T-shirt, simply dyed

A white T-shirt just dyed — without any message or painting








(Click each image to enlarge / 各画像をクリックすれば、拡大します)


Want me to paint something new for you?
Just click “To order or inqure” in the black menu above to find my contact info, 
and let me know your budget and the motif, size, colors, message, etc. you want!


Copyright (C) Since 2017  Heeday Francis (formerly, Atelier anastasia)    All rights reserved

Comments are closed.