Category Archives: Uncategorized

The T-shirt’s back, done / Tシャツの背面、完成

So, I’ve made the “Nukes” somehow bloody and scary. I’ve also made “Abolish” stand out more. Nukesをいくらかオドロオドロしくしました。 Abolishも、さらに目立つようにしました。  

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Back, still in progress / 背面、まだ進行中

Here’s the back side of the same gray T-shirt below, still in progress. On the back side, I want to make the letters of the message carry something scary / destructive, rather than neat and tidy. When it’s done, I’ll … Continue reading

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The gray T-shirt, front / 下のグレイTシャツ、前面

I receive the e-mail bulletin of an anti-nuke organization called “Beyond Nuclear”, and I find quite amenable their objective to free the world from nuclear weapons and power. I like its name as well, so I am trying to create … Continue reading

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The T-shirt, dyed / 下のTシャツ、染めました

The old plain white T-shirt below is now dyed in “informel” gray, washed and then dryed. Now, I’ll paint some messages on its both sides. すぐ下の古い白Tシャツ、「アンフォルメル」グレイに 染めて、洗って乾かしました。 これから、両面にメッセージを描きます。  

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What!?!? / なんだあ!?!?

Just an old white T-shirt — with some stains! I’m going to dye it in gray and then write anti-nuke messages on it — reuse of an old cotton T-shirt. (Reuse of cotton clothes is important to save water.) Here’s … Continue reading

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Pencil sketch for “Cloud of Fleurons II”

Pencil sketch for my next flower, titled “Cloud of Fleurons II” 私の「次の花の絵」、”Cloud of Fleurons II” のための鉛筆スケッチです。  

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One more absurd cartoon / またもやアホバカ漫画

I’m currently busy with my other website, やかんをのせたら「平和利用」??-Heeday Francis | 核兵器用Pu製造施設で、お湯を沸かしたら平和利用? (This is a Japanese anti-nuke website.) ( responding to the coup in Niger and its effects on the uranium price and the Russia’s threat to resort to nukes This … Continue reading

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Sketch for a new painting / 新作のためのスケッチ

Amid the current killing heat,  I’m working on some new works. Here is the sketch for one of them. “Divine Blessing”, pencil sketch 殺人的な現在の暑さの中で、新作に 取り組んでおります。 そのうちの1つのためのスケッチが こちら。 “Divine Blessing”、鉛筆スケッチ  

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“La Fleur Ardente”, done / 完成

Done! 完成です。 285 x 419mm (11.2′ x 16.5) Pen on paper Price: To be negotiated 285 x 419mm 紙にペン お値段: 交渉にて  

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“Refusing the Light”, done / 完成

At long last, this is done. ようやく完成です。 475 x 365mm (18.7′ x 14.4′) Wax pastel on paper Price: To be negotiated 475 x 365mm 紙にワックスパステル お値段: 交渉にて        

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