Why are nude models mostly young females?? / ヌードのモデルさんの大半が若い女性なのは、どうして?

Before some of you wrongly think I like drawing young women without clothes —

Yesterday, on April 2nd, I joined in another human body drawing session, and the model was a young male, something hard to find here in Tokyo.
You know, most of us, painters, want to draw bodies of both males and females, young and old, of all the skin colors. You know, people of all those characteristics can appear in some paintings —

In reality, however, at least here in Tokyo, most of the nude models are young women.
It’s something out of my control, and I don’t even know why.
So, if you are not “a young woman” and want to pose as a model, just contact some model agencies for drawing sessions! There is good demand for such models, and the supply is small.

20-minute croquis (quick drawing), chalk on paper
(Not for sale, just a croquis)



ですから、「若い女性」以外の方で人体デッサンのモデルをやってみたい皆さん、ぜひ人体デッサン用のモデル エージェンシーにご登録なさってみてくださいな。需要はあるのに、供給がきわめて少ないのですから。

(非売品 - 単なるクロッキーですので)

20-min croquis / 20分クロッキー

20-min croquis / 20分クロッキー


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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