Why wax and oil pastels? / なぜ、クレヨンとオイルパステル?

Shown here is another 20-minute croquis of a well-ahem-chubby model.
Here, the whole thing is done with wax pastel (crayon).
I did the model during the 20 croquis minutes and then, later, added the wax background in 5 minutes or so.

Why did I do this coarse, quick thing at all??
To compare the two different types of pastel.
As you see, wax pastel is very tough to “smudge and spread” — it actually makes lines only. A color plane made with wax pastel actually consists of numerous lines, when you take a closer look at it. It is hard to smudge those lines to create smooth color gradation.
Contrary to that, oil pastel is easy to smudge, to make smooth color gradation, as you see in the 20-min + 20-min croquis of September 30 below.

Thus, I’m learning to apply different pastels to different uses.

20-min croquis, with the background added later in 5 minutes
Wax pastel (crayon) on croquis paper
Not for sale — just a 25-min experiment with wax pastel

* To see my finished works (not croquis) of human models, just click “Works – Human Bodies” in the black menu above!


それに対し、オイルパステルは指先で広げるのが容易で、滑らかな色のグラデーションを作れます。下の9月30日の20分 +20分クロッキーで、それは明らかでしょう。

20分クロッキー + 5分ほどで背景
非売品 ・・ 単なる「25分での実験」です

* 私の、人体を描いた完成絵画(クロッキーではなく)をご覧になるには、上の黒いメニューで「(人体の絵画)」をクリック!

Model in 20 minutes + bkgrnd in 5 minutes, wax pastel only / モデルさんに20分 + 背景に5分、クレヨンのみ

Model in 20 minutes + bkgrnd in 5 minutes, wax pastel only / モデルさんに20分 + 背景に5分、クレヨンのみ


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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