All artists are not positioned equal / アーティスト間の位置の平等が~

On January 2oth, I joined another croquis session, as usual of 6 poses, 20 minutes each.
The room was full. 25 artists or so surrounded the model.

(;; ^o^) >  Artistic gambling
Now, it was up to the model to decide her body’s orientation (which way to put her head and legs).  Of course, she changed her orientation with each pose she made.
This meant that the artists simply had to gamble on whether they were to face the model’s back, front, legs, or head, in each pose. They had no control over it.

<(; -_-) > I don’t like gambling!
When she laid herself on the floor, unluckily to me, she threw her legs at me and my neighbors. We had to change our positions — if we could. Actually, we couldn’t, since the room was packed.

Foreshortening in 20 minutes
So, I stood on my chair, to gain a better view of the model in whole. Still, this angle still required some foreshortening. Well, foreshortening is something every painter must learn to do, of course, — but only in 20 minutes??

I’m not Mantegna!
So, as you see, I wrote in the croquis “Foreshortening in 20 mins? I’m not Mantegna!”
Of course, this Mantegna refers to Andrea Mantegna, that great Italian Renaissance painter whose “The Lamentation over the Dead Christ” proved his mastery of foreshortening!

So, what?
Avoid overpacked drawing classes / sessions, as far as you can!

(;; ^o^)  20-minute croquis
Crayon on croquis paper
Not for sale — just a croquis

* To see my “finished paintings” (not croquis) of, say, the human body, just click “Works – Human bodies” on the black menu above!

この日は部屋が満杯で、25人前後の絵描きさんたちが ひしめき合っていました。

(;; ^o^) >  作画でのギャンブル

<(; -_-) >  私は、ギャンブルは苦手だ!
モデルさんが床の上に寝転がるポーズで、私には不運なことに、モデルさんの足が私と「近所の人たち」の方にやってきました。通常なら、描く側が場所を変えるところですが ・・・ 部屋は満杯だったのです。


そんなわけで、このクロッキーには “Foreshortening in 20 mins? I’m not Mantegna!” という
「マンテーニャ」というのはもちろん、イタリア ルネッサンスの偉大な画家アンドレア マンテーニャの

で、要するに ~~

(;; ^o^)  20分クロッキー
非売品 ・・ 単なるクロッキーです

* 私の「完成作品」(クロッキーなどではなく)をご覧になるには、

20-min croquis, with some foreshortening / 20分クロッキー、ある程度の短縮遠近法


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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