“Smudge” and move on — / 指先で伸ばしてやっていこう

As mentioned below on January 27, I found Pentel’s crayon can be smudged with
a fingertip. So, at the January 20 croquis session, I tried smudging with the next pose,
as shown below.
Now, I think I can try a bit different style of crayon croquis — I’ll try at my next croquis session.

Just a 20-min croquis
Crayon on croquis paper
Not for sale — just a croquis experiment

* To see my finished paintings (not croquis) of, say, the human body, just click
“Works – Human bodies” on the black menu above.

というわけで、次回のクロッキー会からは少し違うスタイルのクレヨン クロッキーを試せそうです。

非売品 ・・ 単なるクロッキーの実験です

* (クロッキーなどではなく)私の完成作品をご覧になるには、上の黒いメニューで

20-min croquis, crayon, with some “smudging” / 20分クロッキー、クレヨンを一部指先で少し伸ばしました


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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