I’m not allowed to control or affect this — / 私が口を出せない問題なのですよ …

20-min croquis from Mar. 17 / 3月17日の20分クロッキー

20-min croquis from Mar. 3 / 3月3日の20分クロッキー










So, why two similar croquis, both done in 20 minutes?

This is NOT what I intended — two similar poses were just “given” to me
at two consecutive croquis sessions.

To explain this “givenness”, allow me to describe how a croquis session
1) More than 20 artists, including myself, gather in the croquis room.
2) The model shows up, and takes her 6 poses, 20 minutes each,
on the modeling stage placed in the middle of the room.
3) The artists are not allowed to speak to the model — so they
cannot ask the model what pose to take. They simply draw what is given to them.

You see, at such a croquis session, none of the artists has the right to
ask the model what pose to take.
(I’m NOT blaming this practice at all — just imagine what mess would result,
IF 20 + something artists asked for poses they want —)

So, sometimes, in two consecutive croquis sessions, the
two different models can take very similar poses at similar angles.

How can I get over this problem? Well, with different treatments —
— I’ll show how I treated the two similar 20-min drawings above differently,
in my next post!

* For my “finished paintings” (not croquis or sketches),
just click an item on the black menu above.
For instance, to see my paintings of human bodies,
just click “Works – Human bodies”.



なぜそんなことが起きるのか、クロッキー会の現場の様子を説明しましょう :

1) クロッキー室には、20人を超えるアーティストたちが集まります。私自身も数えて。
2) モデルさんが登場、部屋の中央にあるモデル ステージで6つのポーズを順次とります。各ポーズは、20分。
3) アーティストたちは、モデルさんに話しかけることが許可されていません。ですから、

それぞれ自分の求めるポーズを口にし出したら、どういう事態になるか ・・・)



* 私の完成作品(クロッキーやスケッチではなく)をご覧になるには、

About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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