Way below on March 17 (Scroll down to the bottom and click “Older posts”, and then scroll down again.), you can find Stage 2 of this oil pastel painting, which
is a protest against a Japanese Parliamentary member’s utterance.
The parliamentary member, Mio Sugita, last July called LGBTs “unproductive”
and invited many criticisms to herself. She is part of the ruling party.
Now, you might say, “Huh, 9 months have passed since the discriminatory remark,”
but just this last Tuesday, in my own neighborhood, there was a march of protesters calling for her resignation.
So, the plain fact is that the “unproductive” remark is still a major social issue.
Anyone can easily guess that behind the discriminatory utterance lies the issue of
Japan’s diminishing population. So, the government has been trying to make
the nation’s youth have more babies —
— however, according to Japan’s Ministry of Health, the nation had 168, 015 cases of abortion (https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/eisei_houkoku/16/dl/kekka6.pdf)
while the total national births stood at 976,978, in 2016.
You see, the government needs to help people out of the need to abort, before
it calls some people “unproductive.”
“Un(re)productive”, Stage 3
Oil pastel on paper board
Work still in progress
* To see my other paintings of social issues,
just click “Works – Social issues” on the black menu above.
ずっと下の3月17日(スクロールダウンして、一番下で “Older posts” をクリック、さらに少しスクロールダウンしてください)、このオイルパステル作品のステージ2を紹介しました。
その議員さん、つまり自由民主党の杉田水脈 議員は、昨年7月、LGBTの皆様のことを
大抵の皆様はすぐにご察しのとおり、この差別発言の背後には、日本の人口減少がありますよね。政府もそれなりに、出生数の増大に努めてはいるようですが ・・・
・・・ でも、厚労省のデータによれば、2016年の場合で、日本国内での人工妊娠中絶件数は
同年の出生数は、 976,978人だそうです。
* 私が社会問題を取り上げた、他の作品をご覧になるには、