July 28, croquis experiment / 7月28日、クロッキーでの実験

20-min croquis, experimental / 20分クロッキー、実験スタイル

I joined another croquis (quick drawing) session on July 28.
As usual, 20 minutes x 6 poses.
I tried a “common” style, as shown below, for the first three poses.
Then, I noticed the model was not used to modeling and striving hard to
keep her body in the same posture. I could even share her pain.

Art modeling is not an easy job to do, you see.
It’s not just “getting naked before the artists and remain static.”
Keeping your body in precisely the same posture is way harder to do
than you imagine.

I wanted to speak to the floor manager and ask him to
tell the model to take easier poses — at a nude croquis session, it is
usually prohibited for an artist to talk directly with the model.
Alas, the floor manager was gone during the break!

So, for the last three poses, I changed my direction and tried
an experimental style, as you see above.
I hope you find it interesting.

Two 20-min croquis from the same day, of the same model, in different styles
Both styles — wax pastel (crayon) on croquis paper
Not for sale — just croquis (quick drawings)

いつもどおり、20分 x 6ポーズです。

アート モデルというのは、容易な仕事ではないのですね。

もらうようお願いしたら? と交渉したかった ・・・ ヌード クロッキー会ではたいてい、
アーティストがモデルさんに直接話しかけるのは、禁じられているので ・・・ のですが、


20分クロッキー 2つ。同じ日のクロッキー会、同じモデルさんを異なるスタイルで
非売品 ・・ 単なるクロッキー(速写画)です

20-min croquis of the same model, in a “common” style / 同じモデルさんの20分クロッキー、「ありふれた」スタイルで


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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