“Flower of the Dawn”, Stage 1 / (夜明けの花)、ステージ1

“Flower of the Dawn”, Stage 1 / (夜明けの花)、ステージ1

I seem to like suites or series of paintings, and I am working on a new 4-piece suite,
titled “Flowers of Hours”.

Here is Stage 1 (just begun) of Piece 1 of that Suite — “Flower of the Dawn”.

You know, we see “flowers of the seasons” — dandelions of spring, sunflowers of summer, and —-.
Now, I imagined a world where every major part of a day has its flowers.
Flowers of the dawn, of the day, of the sunset, and of the night.

“Flower of the Dawn”, Stage 1 (just begun)
Wax pastel on paper
Work just begun

* To see my finished paintings (not experiments, croquis, etc.),
just click an item on the black menu above!
For instance, to see my paintings of flowers, click “Works – Flowers”
on the menu!

“Flowers of Hours”(時の花)というタイトルです。


“Flowers of Hours”(時の花)、ステージ1(描き始め)

* 私の作品(デッサンや実験などではなく、完成作)をご覧になるには、

About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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