Honestly, this went through Stages 2 and 3, but allow me to skip them here
and show the finished state.
Of course, this is an imaginary flower that proclaims the dawn and then
“rests” until the next dawn. Of course, my intention was to present some
“joint work” between the astronomical sphere and lives on earth.
“Flower of the Dawn”, done
Piece 1 of the four-piece Suite, “Flowers of Hours”
Wax pastel on paper
234 x 408mm (9.2″ x 16.1″)
USD 300-
* To order or inquire, just find my contact info by clicking
“To order or inquire” on the black menu above!
正直なところ、完成するまでにステージ 2と3 がありました。
“Flower of the Dawn”(夜明けの花)、完成
4連作”Flowers of Hours”(時の花)のピース1
234 x 408mm
JPY 33,300- (USD = JPY 111 で換算)
* 私の連絡先は、上の黒いメニューで