Study for “Tongues of Fire”, Only just begun / 「炎の舌」の習作、描き始め

Study for “Tongues of Fire” (Acts 2: 3), Stage 1 (Only just begun)
「炎の舌」(使徒言行録 2: 3)の習作、ステージ1(描き始め)

Inspired by the tongues of fire depicted at Acts 2: 3, this study is just begun.
Sorry, for some software problems, the website places the image vertically only!
I should be placed horizontally.
使徒言行録 2:3 にある炎の舌にインスパイア-されたものですが、

Just begun, wax pastel study / 描き始めの習作、ワックスパステル


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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