Disadvantages of a BP pen / ボールペンの弱点

Nothing much — just a quick sketch of a neighborhood park.
Earlier I said a ball-point pen is quite handy to make quick sketches.
Yet every medium has its disadvantages, and
a ball-point pen is no exception.

As you see, it is not great when you draw a “big plain” — like the sky,
a field, etc. This is obvious, since a BP pen can, after all, only make
dots and fine lines.

単なる、近所の公園のクイック スケッチです。
以前私は、クイック スケッチにはボールペンは便利だと述べました。


Just a quick sketch with a BP pen / 単なるクイック スケッチ、ボールペン


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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