“Angels sowing the seeds of light”, coloring begun / 着色の始まり


My poor smartphone camera — 私のスマートフォンのカメラでは~~


Scanner image, left portion / スキャナー画像、左側パート


I’ve begun the coloring of “Angels sowing the seeds of light”, whose scratches are shown below on February 5 and earlier.
As you see, my smartphone camera is not good enough to capture the subtle colors of this stage. My scanner works better, but it’s not large enough to cover the whole of the picture.  Oh, my —

This painting has a long way to go, as you can easily tell, before it is finished.

“Angels sowing the seeds of light”, Stage 3 (coloring just begun)
Color pencil and wax pastel on paper

Angels sowing the seeds of lightのスクラッチは、下の2月5日およびそれ以前に紹介しましたが、その色付けを始めたところです。


Angels sowing the seeds of light、ステージ3(着色を始めたところ)

About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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