“Tongues of Fire”, Stage 1 / ステージ1

“Tongues of Fire”, Stage 1 / ステージ1
Acts 2: 1 – 4 / 使徒言行録 2: 1 – 4

This is my depiction of the “baptism of fire” described in Acts 2: 1 – 4.
It’s only just begun, and the work goes on.

* I intend this painting to be “child-like”, i.e., a kind you expect
from an elementary kid. Why?
I have in reality experienced phenomena like the portion of Acts
in question, and I know that if I “realistically” depicted them,
you’d simply think the people in the painting are going crazy!
(I Corinthians 14: 23)
A “childish” depiction, on the contrary, can present the essence —
the Spirit — on the front, I think.

“Tongues of Fire”, Stage 1 (just begun)
Wax pastel (crayon) on paper

使徒言行録 2:1-4にある「火のバプテスマ」を私流に描いたものです。

* この作品は意図的に「子供ぽく」描きますね。小学生の絵みたいに。なぜ?
(第一コリント 14: 23)

“Tongues of Fire”(舌のような炎)、ステージ1(描き始め)

About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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