“Anthropoanthoi”, done / 完成


anthropos (Greek for “human”) + anthoi (Greek, plural, for “flowers”)
anthropos (ギリシャ語で「人間」) + anthoi (ギリシャ語、複数、「花々」)

“Anthropoanthoi”, done, whole, photo / (人花)、完成、全体、写真

Pen on paper
363 x 285 mm (14.3″ x 11.2″)
Price: To be negotiated

363 x 285 mm
お値段: 交渉で

Left detail, scanned / 左側ディテール、スキャナー

Right detail, scanned / 右側ディテール、スキャナー


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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