“Emergency Summer Series”, No. 4 / 「あぶない夏シリーズ」、4つめ

Here in Tokyo, the killer heat wave is still haunting the city!.
This means here is Post 4 of the “scorching summer old pieces.”

This is just a pointillism experiment from way back 2016 — an experiment in what??
In depicting fear, uncertainty, etc.

You know, pointillism colors are so tender and mild the created image too is often very gentle and soft — and thus unfit to carry those emotions like worries, fears, anxieties, etc.

So, I tried presenting uncertainty / worry with the technique. I hope I have made it OK.

Pen on paper
点描の弱点の 1つとして、できる色彩があまりに優しくマイルドなので、画面もやさしくソフトなものになることが多いのですね。つまり、心配や不安、恐怖といった感情を表すには向かない。


May be art of 1 person

About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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