“Emergency Summer Series”, No. 14 / 「あぶない夏シリーズ」、No. 14

Tonight, it’s a lot cooler but the cause is a big typhoon, which
is expected to expose us 38 C (100.4 F) tomorrow.
So, this Series continues —

This is another exercise in pointillism, but I’ve titled it
“Marging with the Light”.
Still, it’s an exercise and not for sale.
Pen on paper

大型台風なのです~~ その同じ台風が、明日は
気温を 38 C まで上げてしまう予報なのですよ。

これも点描の練習なのですが、Marging with the Light

Merging with the Light / 光との融合

About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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