“Another Planet 3”, done / 完成

Here, this “unknown planet” is done.

Whole, photo. (Scanned images show colors closer to the real.) / 全体、写真 (スキャナー画像の方が、実際の色合いに近いです)

Wax pastel on paper
324 x 534mm (12.8″ x 21″)
Price: To be negotiated

324 x 534mm
お値段: 交渉で

Upper middle detail, scanned / 中央上部ディテール、スキャナー

Left-side detail, scanned / 左側ディテール、スキャナー

Right-side detail, scanned / 右側ディテール、スキャナー


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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