Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Sleepers Awake”, sketch before a correction / 修正前のスケッチ

So, on the “actual paper”, I’ve made this sketch. This, however, will be corrected in my next post. そんなわけで、「実際の紙」にこのスケッチを 描いたのですが ・・・ 次回の投稿で修正します。  

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“Gate of Hell”, Stage 2 / ステージ2

Stage 2. Still in progress. ステージ2。制作はまだ進行中。  

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Before moving on to the “actual work” / 実作業にかかる前に

I showed the initial scratch of this “Sleepers Awake” below. Now, some think I soon move on to the “actual painting work.” Wait. To begin the “actual work”, I have to cut paper to the right size. And to do … Continue reading

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“Gate of Hell”, Stage 1 / ステージ1

A new work depicting nuclear weapons — just begun. 核兵器を描いた新作。 描き始め。  

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New work, “Sleepers Awake”, scratch / 新作、スクラッチ

Here I go with a new painting. Here’s its initial scratch. 新作の始まり。 最初のスクラッチが、こちら。  

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“Cloud of Fleurons II”, done / 完成

So, this is done. “Fleurons” are imaginary particles that make up imaginary flowers. Pen on paper 280 x 381 mm (11′ x 15′) Price: To be negotiated 紙にペン 280 x 381 mm お値段: 交渉で  

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“Divine Blessing??”, done / 完成

This is done. It is meant to be coarse. “Divine Blessing??” A depiction of a high religious leader “blessing” his country’s nuclear weapons Oil pastel on paper 534 x 363mm (21″ x 14.3″) Price: To be negotiated “Divine Blessing??” (神の祝福??) … Continue reading

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Skip to Stage 6 — “Cloud of Fleurons II” ステージ6にスキップ

Pointillism takes time, and sometimes the difference between two stages seem small. So, allow me to skip to Stage 6 here, though I did make Stage 5. Close to the finish. 点描は時間がかかり、2つのステージの間の違いが分かり にくい場合もあります。 そこで、ここでお見せするのはステージ6にスキップしますね。 完成に近づきました。  

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“Divine Blessing ??”, Stage 4 / ステージ4

Close to the goal — 完成に近づきました  

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“Cloud of Fleurons”, Stage 4 / ステージ4

I know some of you want to see the final product, but this is still in progress. Pointillism takes time — 「はやく、完成品を見せろ」とおっしゃる方々も いらっしゃるのは存じておりますが、 点描は時間がかかります。 制作は、まだ進行中。  

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