Study for a new painting / 新作のスタディ(検討)

I’m working on a new pastel painting, and here is a “study” for it.
Well, the medium is felt-tip markers, not soft pastel, because this is a “study.”
After trying some studies with markers, I’ll work with soft pastel.

Some painters prefer going “alla prima” — finishing a painting at once, say, somewhere outdoors.
In outdoor sketching, needless to say, I go alla prima as well. Yet with my “serious works,”
I usually make some studies and then work on the “real painting.”

Study for a new painting
Felt-tip marker on paper
Not for sale — just a study


「アラ プリマ」を好む画家さんたちも、いらっしゃいます。つまり、たとえば屋外で一度に完成させるわけですね。
無論私も、屋外でのスケッチのときは、結果的にアラ プリマになります。

非売品 ・・ 単なる習作です

Just a study / 単なる習作です

Just a study / 単なる習作です



About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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