Object-space resonance / 物体と空間の共鳴

So, two new croquis (quick drawings) from November 26 — as usual, we had 6 poses in all, 20 minutes each. Needless to say, just coarse croquis.

Again, I considered the relationship between an object and the space surrounding it.
Below, I assumed there is some “visual resonance” between an object and the space surrounding it. Of course, I know I have to explore and work on such “resonance” a lot more. This is Just a beginning.

Above: “Traditional” croquis in 20 minutes, pencil on paper
Below: Experimental 20-min croquis, felt-tip marker on paper
Not for sale — just croquis

11月26日にもクロッキー(速写画)会があって、例によって20分 X 6ポーズでした。


上: 「従来式の」20分クロッキー、紙に鉛筆
下: 実験的な20分クロッキー、紙にマーカー
非売品 ・・ 単なるクロッキーですので

"Traditional" 20-min croquis / 「伝統的な」描き方の20分クロッキー

“Traditional” 20-min croquis / 「伝統的な」描き方の20分クロッキー


Experiment with "resonance" / 「共鳴」の実験

Experiment with “resonance” / 「共鳴」の実験



About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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