“Space” more vibrant than the object / 物体よりも「空間」がうごめく

On February 4th, I joined in another croquis session. As usual, 20 minutes x 6 poses.
Shown below is one of the six.

Here, I made the “object”, the human model, rather ghostly, lacking in “3D-ness”, while the space around her vibrating with chalk strokes. The result, as you see, suggests the human is absorbed in some wild, complicated thoughts. “Empty space” can speak —

20-minute croquis
Chalk on paper
Not for sale — just a croquis

2月4日も、クロッキー会に行ってきました。いつもどおり、20分 x 6ポーズです。


非売品 ・・ 単なるクロッキーですので

20-min croquis / 20分クロッキー

20-min croquis / 20分クロッキー


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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