“Un(re)productive”, esquisse (rough sketch) / エスキース

Yeah, this is the final esquisse for a new painting I’m planning to make.
It’s titled “Un(re)productive” —  straight response to a highly discriminatory remark made by a member of Japan’s House of Reps this last July.

The member, Ms. Sugita, called LGBTs “unproductive” and argued that the government should not spend tax money on their causes.
Well, Ms. Sugita, count me in the “unproductive” rank and file, since I’ve been single and have no child, though I’m not part of the LGBTs myself, and though I’ve been an honest, good taxpayer!!!

Some of my good friends are part of the LGBTs, and I’ve been getting along well with them with no problem — they are just “people”!!

I made and considered many other esquisses so far, actually, and
have decided to settle down with this.

Esquisse for “Un(re)productive”, a new painting I’m planning to create
Planning to work in “traditional” technique of “tempera and oil”
on paperboard (418mm x 594mm [16.5″ x 23.4″])

* To see more of my paintings on social issues, just click “Works – Social issues”
in the black menu above!

“Un(re)productive” というタイトルで、今年の7月にある国会議員がやらかした大変差別的な発言に対する反応です。

そうですか! なら、私もその「非生産的な」有象無象の一人に入れてくださいね!私もずっと独り者で、子供がいないので! 私自身はLGBTではないけど。私は正直に税金を納めてきているけど。



これから描く新作 “Un(re)productive” のためのエスキース
418mm x 594mm

* 私の社会問題を描いた作品を他にもご覧になるには、上の黒いメニューで

Ball-point pen esquisse / ボールペンでのエスキース(ラフスケッチ)


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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