Whole croquis in 20 minutes / これすべて、20分というクロッキー

I used to take a 515mm x 364mm (20.3″ x 14.3″) croquis book to the 20 minutes x 6 poses croquis sessions.
On November 4, however, I had to cycle to church after my croquis session, so my croquis book had to be of a size my messenger bag can contain. So, I took a smaller one, 350mm x 250mm (13.8″ x 9.8″) with me.

You see, the sheet size seriously affects the croquis, whose work time is harshly limited.
With the larger book, I got the figure alone done in the 20 minutes of croquis drawing and had to add the background later.
With the smaller one, I did the whole thing below in 20 minutes.
I had some minutes to consider the model’s facial expression and the resulting atmosphere. Then I had another few minutes to paint the background accordingly.

IF you are a newbie to a croquis session, I suggest you consider well the croquis book’s size you take to the venue.

20-min croquis (the whole thing including the background done in 20 minutes)
Wax pastel (crayon) on croquis paper
Not for sale — just a 20-min croquis

To see my finished works (not croquis) of human bodies,
just click “Works – Human bodies” in the black menu above!

私は以前、クロッキー会には 515mm x 364mm のクロッキーブックを、20分X6ポーズのクロッキー会に持って行きました。

でも11月4日は、クロッキー会の後で自転車を飛ばして教会の礼拝に行くことになってました。そのため、私のメッセンジャーバッグに収まる大きさのクロッキーブックを持って行かないと。そこで、350mm x 250mmのものを持って出かけたのです。



非売品 ・・ 単なる20分クロッキーですので

私が人体を描いた (クロッキーではなく) 完成作品をご覧になるには、

whole thing done in 20 minutes — croquis / すべて20分で(クロッキー)



About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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