“Casta Diva” done! / 完成

Scanned, upper part, click to enlarge / スキャン画像、上部分、クリックすると拡大します

Scanned, lower / スキャン画像、下部分


So, this wax pastel (crayon) painting is done!

As I said before, wax pastel produces very subtle color hues, which are
hard to reproduce with a camera or a scanner.
So, here I first present two scanned images above (click to enlarge),
and below I show you a “whole picture” photo. As often, more lighting was needed
when I photographed the work, but I do not have a powerful lighting instrument.

“Casta Diva” (spargi in terra quella pace — peace all over Earth), done
Wax pastel (crayon) on paper board
595 x 360mm (23.4″ x 14.2″)
USD500 (excluding framing and shipment)

* To order or inquire, just click “To order or inquire” on the black menu above
to find my contact info!



“Casta Diva” (spargi in terra quella pace — 全地に平和を)、完成
595 x 360mm
53,000円(額装や送料含まず、$ = JPY106 であれば、約$500-)

* お問い合わせやご注文は、上の黒いメニューで「(お問い合わせ・ご注文は)」を

Photo, whole picture — sorry for the poor lighting / 写真、全体、光が不足してますね


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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