Pointillism in 20 minutes!? Impossible! / 20分で点描~~無理!

(Click to enlarge / 画像をクリックすれば、拡大します)

20-min experiment of pointillism / 20分での点描実験

Ditto / 左に同じ


I joined in another croquis session today — as usual, 20 minutes x 6 poses.
Today, I experimented with felt-tip marker pointillism — I tried how much
I could work in pointillism in 20 minutes, using a small sketchbook (277 x 215mm
or 11″ x 8.5″).

Alas, pointillism is exhaustively time-consuming. Even with a small sheet
like this, all I could do in just 20 minutes was so limited as shown here.

Now, by my next 20-min croquis session, I’ll have to think about how to do
pointillism in 20 minutes!!

Experiments — how much marker pointillism I can do in just 20 minutes
Felt-tip marker on paper
Not for sale — just limited-time experiments

* To see my other paintings (finished ones),
just click an item on the black menu above!

今日もまた、クロッキー会に行ってきました。いつもどおり、20分 x 6ポーズです。
かなり小さなスケッチブック(277 x 215mm)を使ってみました。



実験 ・・ わずか20分で、マーカー点描をどこまでやれるかの実験
非売品 ・・ 時間制限の中での実験です

* 私の作品(完成作)をご覧になるには、上の黒いメニューで

About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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