Piece 4 of the Suite, “Flowers of Hours”
This is Stage 1 (just begun).
New life forms coming out dancing while
nobody witnessing them in the dark of the night —
“Flower of the Night”, Stage 1
Piece 4 of the four-piece Suite, “Flowers of Hours”
Wax pastel on paper
Just begun
* To see my finished paintings (not experiments, croquis, etc.),
just click an item on the black menu above!
4連作 “Flowers of Hours” のピース4
これがステージ1 (描き始め)
新たな形態の生命が躍り出てくる ・・・
“Flower of the Night”、ステージ1
4連作 “Flowers of Hours” のピース4
* 私の作品(デッサンや実験などではなく、完成作)をご覧になるには、