Just a technical experiment / ただの、技術的実験

Tech experiment, “face portion” / 技法実験、「顔の部分」

Same experiment, whole / 同じ実験、全体

(Click each image to enlarge / 各画像をクリックすれば、拡大します)

What a mediocre painting —
No, this is just a technical experiment, rather than
a “work of painting”!

The “face portion” above is actually approx. 150 x 170 mm (5.9″ x 6.7″)
in size — so, the “hair” is very thin indeed.
And this experiment was done with oil pastel.

You know, oil pastel is a very clumsy medium and it is
usually quite hard to draw very thin lines of less than 1mm (0.04″)
with oil pastel.

So, I experimented with “a very thin brush and baby oil”.
1) Dip the brush head in baby oil.
2) Scrub an oil pastel stick of your choice with the wet brush head.
The head should be now wet with some “solution” of the stick’s color.
3) Draw very fine lines with the colored brush head.

I think the experiment was successful.

I am not one of those painters that put their stress on technicalities,
but once in a while, I do try some technical experiments.

Just a technical experiment with oil pastel, baby oil, and a very thin brush
Oil pastel on paper
The whole: 315 x 408 mm (12.4″ x 16.1″)
Not for sale — just a tech experiment

* To see my finished paintings (not experiments, croquis, etc.),
just click an item on the black menu above!

実に凡庸な絵画 ・・・

上の「顔の部分」の実物はサイズがおよそ 150 x 170 mm です。


1) ブラシの先端部を、ベビーオイルに浸す。
2) その先端部で、選んだ色のオイルパステル・スティックをこする。
3) その穂先で、極めて細い線を描く。



全体のサイズ: 315 x 408 mm
非売品 ・・ 単なる技法実験です

* 私の作品(デッサンや実験などではなく、完成作)をご覧になるには、

About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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