“Flower of the Night”, done / 完成

“Flower of the Night”, done / 完成

Actually, this painting went through Stage 2, but
here allow me to skip that and show you the finished state.

Some new forms of life — so, these flowers are imaginary —
are emerging in the still of the night, witnessed by none.

“Flower of the Night”, done
Last piece of the four-piece suite, “Flowers of Hours”
Wax pastel and oil pastel on paper
315 x 365 mm (12.4″ x 14.4″)
USD 300-

* To order or inquire, just find my contact info by clicking
“To order or inquire” on the black menu above!

Next, I’ll launch a new five-piece suite titled “Klesis” (Calling).


何か新しい形態の生命が、夜の静寂の中で発生している ・・
当然、この絵の花は想像上の花です ・・ 誰もそれに気が付いていないけど。

“Flower of the Night”(夜の花)、完成
4連作 “Flowers of Hours”(時の花)の最後のピース
315 x 365mm
JPY 33,300- (USD = JPY 111 で換算)

* 私の連絡先は、上の黒いメニューで


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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