SO, as shown below, I’ve got a new set of felt-tip pens, this time
very “slim” ones of o.3 mm.
And I’ve made a pencil outline drawing of the same model, same pose
as shown earlier on May 12. (Based on Croquis Cafe 104)
One problem with the new set is it contains only 20 colors —
this is the largest 0.3mm set available.
I really have to consider how to work with such limited colors!
Please wait for my next post to see “fine VS thick” differences.
0.3㎜ の細いペン先です。
鉛筆デッサンも描いてあります。(Croquis Cafe 104 をベースに)
このセットの問題点は20色しかない点ですが、これが 0.3 mmの
次回の記事で、「細い VS 太い」の違いが明らかになります。