So, beginning with the 0.3 mm / 0.3 mmで描き始め

Here I’ve begun working with the new set of 0.3 mm felt-tip pens.
I use the same model and the same pose as shown earlier on May 12.
(Based on Croquis Cafe 104)

The set contains only 20 colors (This was the largest 0.3 mm set available!)
so I have to consider how to work with this color limitation.

So, the exercise continues.

その0.3 mm のマーカーで、描き始めたところです。
(Croquis Cafe 104 をベースに)

このマーカー セットは手に入る中で最大のものだったのですが、


New pointillism exercise with the new set of 0.3mm pens. Just begun / 0.3mmマーカーのセットで、新たな点描練習。描き始め


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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