“Trampled and Ignored”, done

Praying for all those people “trampled and ignored” —
This painting is done.

oil pastel and wax pastel on paper
285 x 420mm (11.2″ x 16.5″)
Price: To be negotiated

285 x 420mm
お値段: 交渉で

Done, whole, photo / 完成、全体、写真


Upper detail, scanned / 上部ディテール、スキャナー


Lower detail, scanned / 下部ディテール、スキャナー


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“Suspicion-Mutual”, St. 2 / ステージ2

Stage 2 of “Suspicion-Mutual”
Just began applying oil pastel —
To be continued

“Suspicion-Mutual” (疑惑・相互に)

Stage 2, whole, photo / ステージ2、全体、写真

Right side detail, upsidfe down, scanned / 右側ディテール、上下反対、スキャナー

Left side detail, scanned / 左側ディテール、スキャナー


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“Whose Shelter?”, Stage 3 / ステージ3

Here, this work is in its Stage 3 — still in progress.
Coloring pencil on paper.


Stage 3, whole, scanned / ステージ3、全体、スキャナー


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“Trampled and Ignored”, Stage 3 / ステージ3

Stage 3 — some progress.
I’ve added some oil pastel.


Stage 3, whole, photo / ステージ3、全体、写真

Upper detail, scanned / 上部ディテール、スキャナー

Lower detail, scanned / 下部ディテール、スキャナー


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Change to the scratch / スクラッチの変更

I found an evening primrose in my neighborhood,
after I came up with the pencil scratch just below.
I think I’ll go with this scratch.


New pencil scratch, whole / 変更した鉛筆スクラッチ、全体


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Pencil scratch for yet another new work / もう1つ新作用の鉛筆スクラッチ

Before I begin to work on a new painting,
I make several scratches to consider,
as many other painters do.

Here’s one for yet another new painting —
actually, changed later.


1つがこちら ・・・

Pencil scratch — changed later / 鉛筆スクラッチ ・・ 後で変更


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“Suspicion-Mutual”, Stage 1 / (疑惑・相互に)、ステージ1

Stage 1 of “Suspicion-Mutual”
426 x 365mm (16.8″ x 14.4″)
Wax pastel and color pencil on paper so far
(Planning to add oil pastel later)

“Suspicion-Mutual” (疑惑・相互に)
426 x 365mm

I know this is a bit scary. I mean it to be so.

Stage 1, whole, photo / ステージ1、全体、写真

Middle detail, scanned / 中央ディテール、スキャナー


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“Whose Shelter?”, Stage 2 / (誰のシェルター?)、ステージ2

Here, this work in progress is in its Stage 2.
Looks like a long way ahead —
まだ、先行きは長そうです ・・・

Stage 2, whole, scanned / ステージ2、全体、スキャナー


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“Suspicion-Mutual”, initial pencil scratch / 鉛筆スクラッチ

Initial scratch for another new painting.
It’s titled “Suspicion-Mutual”.

Pencil scratch for “Suspicion-Mutual”


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“Trampled and Ignored”, St. 2 / ステージ2

Stage 2 — in progress.

Stage 2, whole, photo / ステージ2、全体、写真

Upper detail, scanned / 上部ディテール、スキャナー

Lower detail, scanned / 下部ディテール、スキャナー


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