“Excommunicated II”, stage 2 / ステージ2

So, as I said just below, I found it quite hard to create smooth color gradations with “crayons”. So, I decided to use them in works that are “wild and coarse”.
Now, I wanted a work in progress, “Excommunicated II”, to be just like that — coarse and chaotic. So, why not use crayons in it?
(For my first version of “Excommunicated”, just click “Works – Social issues” in the black menu above. Currently, it is the seventh one from the bottom of that page.)

So, here is Stage 2 of it.

Stage 2, “Excommunicated II”
Color pencil and “Crayola(R)” on paper
A work in progress

For more of my works treating social issues, just click
“Works – Social issues” in the black menu above.

で、制作中の作品「Excommunicated II」は、まさしく荒っぽく混沌としたものにしたかったのです。なら、クレヨンを使いましょう!

そんなわけで、Excommunicated II のステージ2を。

ステージ2、”Excommunicated II”


Stage 2, work still in progress / ステージ2、制作中

Stage 2, work still in progress / ステージ2、制作中


About Francis

Painter, artist of hand-painted / dyed clothes and bead accessories, print designer
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