i just had a terrible week with a murderous work deadline — now it’s done and I can post something again.
This is not a work but an experimental trial. Threaded beads are nice, but they are limited in creation of forms, especially forms built with straight lines, like diamond shapes.
So, I tried using some plastic tubes as in the photo below. Yes, I did make a diamond shape, but the plastic tubes make the whole thing looks like a toy — glass tubes can make it look better, but glasses can break and hurt the wearer. So, the experiment must go on —-
そこで、プラスチック製チューブを使ってみた実験が、これ。たしかに、ダイア形はできました。でも、プラスチック製のチューブですと、全体がオモチャぽくなってしまいました。ガラスのチューブなら見栄えは良いのかもしれませんが、ガラスが割れると、来ている方に傷を負わせる恐れが・・・ そんなわけで、この実験はまだ続きます。