So, the renewal of this beaded accessories website is done, and here is a new post!
I can make some short messages of beads, to hang on your “safety pin as a symbol.”
Here is “EQUAL” — since EQUALITY is too long to carry on your jacket, I simply cut it short. The resulting beaded message is around 130mm (5.1″) in length (excluding the safety pin).
To order or inquire, please contact me, Heeday, at
heeday* (<– Replace * with @) or
FAX: +81 – 3 – 6765 – 3977
Please specify the message, length, color(s), etc. you want.
The prices below are “minimum,” i.e., without any semi-precious stones.
- In case of an order from outside Japan, please combine this with another order to make the sum JPY6,000- or above, since the bank takes some JPY4,000- as a foreign exchange handling fee!
こちらは、EQUAL(平等)。EQUALITYだと身につけるには長すぎるので、EQUALにカットしました。結果、このメッセージの長さはおよそ130㎜ (安全ピン自体を除く)
ご注文・お問い合わせは、私(わしお ひでき)まで、
heeday* (<– * を@で置き換えてください) または
FAX: 03 – 6765 – 3977