Sketch of another green cross / グリーンクロス略画

↓ 下の7月5日の グリーン クロス、「オートバイのキーホルダーにつける」という前提で、あるお客様からご注文をいただきました!
外見に関しては、5日のグリーン クロスとほぼ同様になります。
キーホルダーに留めるには、金属のリングとビーズのストリング部分が必要になると思います。そのストリングを何cm にすべきか?これは、お使いになるお客様の使いやすい長さ、ということになりますよね。(オーダーメイドの利点の1つです) なので、その長さのご指定を待機しているところです。

Sketch -- a cross to be attached to a key holder

Below, on July 5th, I posted my green cross. Then, I received an order for a similar cross from a certain client, who wants it as an “attachment to his motor cycle key holder”!
Since This is the first order I’ve ever received for a  “motor cycle key holder,” I have spent a week considering how to make it durable and sturdy!!
As far as it looks are concerned, it looks quite similar to the one I showed on 5th.
Yet to safely attach it to a key holder, the cross has to have a beaded string to it, whose end has a metal ring. And how long should this string be?? It’s up to the client — he should be able to choose the right length for his use. (An advantage of “custom-making”!!)
So, currently, I’m waiting for the client’s decision of the length.

About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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