Spiritual amid worldly / 世俗のただなかでスピリチャルに

I think  is the last one of my posts inspired by Meister Eckhart’s sayings, at least for the time being —
マイスター エックハルトの言葉に触発された投稿、これでしばらくは最後だと思います ・・・

Meister Eckhart:
Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there.”

↓   Thus, I have been making some paintings of “things quite worldly” as well —
↓   というわけで、「きわめて世俗的な事象」の作品も作っております ・・・

Left: “Disco People”, 652mm x 530mm (25.6″ x 21″), oil and collage on canvas
左: “Disco People”, 652mm x 530mm、カンバスに油彩とコラージュ

Notice a man in black and in solitude, in the right-middle bottom of the painting.  This I painted back in 1989 to 1990, when Japan’s “bubble” economy was heated, discos were “hot” back then.
Yet in solitude in the overheat, some people, including myself, were predicting the downfall and collapse (worse than just a recession) of the economy. Now, 25 years have passed, and you know what’s happening in the nation’s economy —
しかし加熱のただなかで、私も含め一部の人たちは、経済の凋落と崩壊(単なる「不況」ではなく)を予想していたのです。それから25年がたちましたが、経済の現状は、皆様もご存じのとおりです ・・・

Right:  “Rock ‘n’ Roll Cafe”, 515mm x 728mm (20″ x 28.7″), assemblage and pastel on carton
右:  “Rock ‘n’ Roll Cafe”, 515mm x 728mm 、カートンにアサンブラージュとパステル

Thus, art activism does not always have to depict a scene of war or famine. It can also go spiritual amid things quite common and worldly.
I intend to pursue “spiritual art in activism.”

こんなわけで、アート アクティビズムは必ずしも、戦争や飢饉のシーンばかりを描く必要はございません。ありふれた社会の事象の中で、スピリチャルであることもできます。
私としては、”spiritual art in activism” を志しているのですね

(Click to enlarge. / 写真をクリックすれば、拡大します)


"Disco People"

“Disco People”






Rock 'n' Roll Cafe

Rock ‘n’ Roll Cafe


About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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