A very old cliche / ずっと昔のトンカチ頭

Over the last ten days, countless rush copy writing jobs have been occupying my time awake.
So, while my current works are forced to stay at a temporary stop, allow me to post some boring drawings I made years ago —  boring, yet carry some laughable episode with them.

The sculpture below, I drew back in the 1990s, when I visited another painter’s workshop, where I found it. I just made this drawing with a pencil and a sketchbook I carried along daily, while chatting with that painter, who happened to be female.

The drawing was done, as we exchanged some words, and the female painter said, “It’s very well drawn, yet it’s goodie clean.”
Of course, I replied, in an amused manner, “Goodie clean — what do you mean, ma’am?”

The sculpture -- "goodie clean"??

The sculpture — “goodie clean”??


She: “When other male painters draw this, they usually come up with some sexual implications. You didn’t.”
Me: “Thanks for the compliment.”
She: “I’m not sure if this is a compliment or not. Many male artists look at some sexual implications in a female figure, yet you seem to look another way —”
Me: “Well, I’d say that’s a cliche. For one thing, what if the artist is a LGBT??
Countless ways are there to see the same thing — ”

Looked like she somehow still thought of LGBT people as “queer.”
As for myself, I was already familiar with some LGBTs back then and, looking back, I have to thank them for broadening my sight.
————- To be continued ————-



About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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