Experiment with “imprimatura” — Back, 1

Once again, the photo below, taken with my cell phone, is a bit blurred! Sorry for this!
Anyway, this is the back side of the “imprimatura” experiment, half done.

Almost always, some people say, “The tree is done well, but what are all those ‘tache”???”
Honestly, friends, the tree was easy. The hard part was making mixing the dyes into the right colors and “splashing” (dripping) them in the right “splashes” — by which I mean let those “tache” make you imagine the sky, leaves, etc.  After all, this shirt is growing more “autumnal” and I wanted to associate with the shirt “naked trees –> dissipation of the sky and leaves –> rebirth.”
Thus, so-called “abstract paintings” are something very hard to create ~~~ take my words for it, if you are not a painter.
So, my next experiment will be something “summerish” —

About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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