業務には関係しませんが~ / I know this is not anything about this business, yet —

「アトリエ あなすたーしゃ」の業務と直接の関係はないですが ~~ しかし、言うまでもなく、核ミサイルも銃弾も飛んでこないからこそ、ビジネスをやってられるんです!
シリア、イラク、アフガニスタン、パレスチナ、中央アフリカ、ナイジェリア ・・・ その他各地の平和を祈り、昔描いたクロッキー(速写画)を挙げておきますね。(紙に水彩とパステル) 10分程度で描いたものですが、時間がないだけに、技術的な問題を無視して、祈りに集中して描けるという利点もございます。

10 minutes of drawing in prayer

10 minutes of drawing in prayer

Early August is a time when many think of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl, Fukushima, northern Saskatchewan, and other places where people were victimized to uranium mining, nuke weapon tests, etc.
Though this problem certainly has nothing “directly” with Atelier anastasia’s business, we still have to keep in mind that we can be committed to our business only if no missile, bullet, or anything crazy is coming in.  With any of these instruments of insanity flying in, there is no “business as usual.”
Above, I’ve posted a “croquis” I made years ago (water and paastel on paper), now praying for Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Central Africa, Nigeria, and —. Drawn in 10 minutes or so, it is coarse, yet this time limit allows the artist to leave all the technical issues behind and concentrate on “prayer.”

About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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