At this moment, 7am JST, it’s 28C (82.4F) with the humidity at 94% here in Tokyo. And the daily H today is predicted to reach somewhere around 37C (98.6F).
Honestly, in the desert-like climate of LA, Calif, I found 98.6F is not deadly. Yet you can easily imagine it can be quite deadly with Tokyo’s humidity. I’m afraid I will hear many ambulance sirens today — carrying heat stroke patients into hospital. Please pray for Tokyoites’ safety today.
I’ve always been a lover of days with H below 2oC (68F). Here is a quick sketch of the Lake of the Isle, MN, US, I made in the air below the freezing point (0C, 32F)
Quick sketch of the Lake of the Isle, MN, color pencil on paper
ミネソタ州 Lake of the Isle のクイック スケッチ、紙に色鉛筆