Glass strap test / グラスストラップ、テスト

A glass strap hangs from around your neck and holds your pair of glasses safe while you are not wearing it —
I often see many people, especially those with presbyopia, searching for their glasses. A glass strap can help!
So, here is the test model I have made — currently, I am asking for a certain lady to try it and let me know problems she experiences, if any.

Glass strap, a test model
(Not for sale yet — a test is in progress. I want to improve the strap in response to the test results.)


(まだ、非売品 ・・ テスト中です。テスト結果を見て、改善をしたいので)

The strap itself / ストラップそのもの

The strap itself / ストラップそのもの


Worn by a torso / トルソーにぶら下げた状態

Worn by a torso / トルソーにぶら下げた状態


About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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