Booklet cover illustrations / ブックレットの表紙などのイラスト

Occasionally, I illustrate books, booklets, etc.
Now I just made some sample illustrations for a booklet to be published by a certain Christian church, and here are some of them.

Booklet illustration samples, for the cover, back cover, and front page
Created for a neighborhood church



Front cover, 表紙 / The lower empty space should contain the title, etc.   下部の空白に、タイトルなどが入ります

Front cover, 表紙 / The lower empty space should contain the title, etc. 下部の空白に、タイトルなどが入ります


Back cover, 裏表紙

Back cover, 裏表紙


Front page, 扉

Front page, 扉





About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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