Legibility of beaded letters / ビーズを編んだ文字の可読性

So, I made another letter sample each of “K” and “E” — as shown below.
As you see, the K is quite easily legible, while the E is enigmatic.
I hope these give you some cues on which colors to choose, if you make an order for an item with beaded letters —
— IF you want good legibility, please choose a “bright and dark colors” combination in a letter.
You see, the K below, in white and black, is quite easily legible. The E consists of two obviously different colors, dark blues and red, yet the letter is not easily legible, since the two colors are of similar brightness.
— With matte, non-glittering seed beads, the resulting letter comes out more legible.
Yet this results in a letter without “bead glitters” —

Now, when you make an order, the color choice is up to each of you.  With a “NO! NUKES” accessory, I’ll work on the letters first and send each of you, customers, a photo of the letters, so you can decide whether or not you like the letters. If you don’t, I’ll do re-work on the letters!

A NO! NUKES choker, without a “natural stone,” costs JPY6,000-.
I know this is rather hefty for an accessory without a natural, semi-precious stone, yet beading all those letters take a lot of work and time. Also, this JPY6,000- includes one rework mentioned above.
I’d appreciate your understanding.
To make an order, please e-mail me at  ermite@jcom.home.ne.jp



Posted in Uncategorized | Legibility of beaded letters / ビーズを編んだ文字の可読性 はコメントを受け付けていません

So, here it is — / ま、こんな感じです

And here is a SAMPLE of the NO! NUKES choker. (Please click the photo to enlarge!)
I know the K and the E have poor legibility. So, in case you make an order for a NO! NUKES choker / necklace, you can choose some colors with better legibility — for instance, the Ns and the S in the photo. (Please remember, this is a sample and I had to show you some bad examples as well!)

Also, currently most of the seed beads I have are of “brilliant, glittering” types. In several days, I’ll show you K and E made with matte seed beads. I’m sure they come with way better legibility. Yet needless to say, matte seed beads do not have the “bead glitters.” Which you choose is totally up to eaxh of you.

さて、NO! NUKESチョーカーのサンプルです。(写真をクリックして、拡大してくださいな)
ご覧のとおり、KとEが読みづらいですね。ですから、もしこのNO! NUKESチョーカー / ネックレスをご注文いただく場合には、たとえば下の写真のNやSのような読みやすい色をご指定くださることを、お勧めします。(この写真は、あくまでサンプルなので、よくない実例も示しておく必要があるので、ご注意くださいな)

それと、現時点で私の持っているシードビーズのほとんどが、「きらめく」タイプなのですよ~  何日かしたら、輝きのないシードビーズでKとEも作ってみますね。その方が、読みやすくなるはずです。ただし、言うまでもありませんが、つや消しのシードビーズで作ると、読みやすくはなりますがビーズの輝きはありません。

SAMPLE -- contains intentional "bad letters" as well

SAMPLE — contains intentional “bad letters” as well

Posted in Uncategorized | So, here it is — / ま、こんな感じです はコメントを受け付けていません

The letters combined / 文字を組み合わせました

Here you are, the woven letters are now combined to present the message — NO! NUKES.   Now, I’ll make it into a choker.

PLEASE NOTE: This particular combination is a sample, meant to demonstrate that the letters can be combine zig-zag, if you want me to.
If you’d rather want a “straight horizontal” combination, no problem! Actually, it’s easier to make.
OR if you’d rather want the letters hanging from the necklace, you can get that too! Click the smaller photo below.

Now, please wait for my next post, and you’ll see a choker with the NO! NUKES message on the up front!

ご覧のとおり、文字を組み合わせてNO! NUKESのメッセージにしました。次は、これをチョーカーにします。

ご注意: このサンプルでは、文字をジグザグに組み合わせることも可能だと示すために、わざとジグザグに組み合わせてあります

では、次の投稿では、このNO! NUKESを正面に打ち出したチョーカーが登場します。

A SAMPLE of a zig-zag combination

A SAMPLE of a zig-zag combination

A sample of "hanging" letters

A sample of “hanging” letters

Posted in Uncategorized | The letters combined / 文字を組み合わせました はコメントを受け付けていません

Making the letters into a choker — / 文字をチョーカーにしていますが~

So, I am working to make the beaded letters below into a “NO! NUKES” choker, —-
Yet currently, my time awake is fully occupied with other rush writing jobs (again!)
So, please wait, until I post more of the making of the NO~ NUKES choker!

下の文字をNO! NUKESチョーカーにするのです。その作業を進めておりますが、~~

Posted in Uncategorized | Making the letters into a choker — / 文字をチョーカーにしていますが~ はコメントを受け付けていません

The whole letters~~ / すべての文字~

So, here are the whole of the message this choker in the making should carry.
NO! NUKES  — a few of my former accessories carried the same message already, and this time I want the message to stand on the front — not hung to the necklace, but as part of it. Just see the new choker, when it’s done and I post it here.
I know the “E” in the photo is hard to discern, yet the real thing is more recognizable.
Also, if I receive an order for this, you can select your fav colors for the letters. This is a custommade accessory workshop! Shown below is just a sample.
Also note the plural of the NUKES — this new choker to come is meant for those wwho oppose both nuclear arms and power.

このとおり、メッセージ全体です。NO! NUKES   私の以前の作品にもこのメッセージを入れまたものが少数ありましたが、今回は「チョーカーから吊り下げる」のではなく、「チョーカーそのものの一部」として、もっと強く打ち出したデザインにするのです。完成次第、ここに投稿しますね。
それと、ここはオーダーメイドのアトリエなのをお忘れなく! 実際にご注文いただく場合には、ご自分のお好きな色をご指定くださいませ。写真にあるのは、あくまでサンプルです。


The whole message

The whole message

Posted in Uncategorized | The whole letters~~ / すべての文字~ はコメントを受け付けていません

U in the making / 制作中のU

So, this is “U” in the making —
I have heard some saying, “Did you really make all these letters of seed beads, with your own hands?” Yes, for sure! This is how it goes —

こちらは、制作中の U ですね。

See? I weave some seed beads into a letter --- it's all handwork!

See? I weave some seed beads into a letter — it’s all handwork!

Posted in Uncategorized | U in the making / 制作中のU はコメントを受け付けていません

So, some of the resulting “letters” / で、たとえばこんな文字が~

Here are some of the letters I have made using the lettering template below (yesterday’s post) — they say “NO!”, not “No1”.
You see, it looks so simple, yet it actually takes some preparations (the template) and time-consuming, accurate handwork to make letters with beads.

Why do I do that?  I want to put some social messages into accessories as well. I saw many beaded accessories that were lovely and carefully crafted, yet irrelevant to what happened to the world — be it war, nuclear plant meltdowns, genocides, etc.
Just imagine you are opposed to some industrial practices deteriorating our natural environment. Then, isn’t it nice if you can wear a little accessory that says, for instance, “NO FRACKING!” ??

さて、下の(昨日の投稿)レタリング テンプレートをもとに作った文字の一部です。NO! ですよ、No1 ではありません。

たとえば、これをご覧のあなたが、なにか自然環境を破壊する産業活動に反対してらっしゃるとしましょう。なら、たとえば NO FRACKING というメッセージの入った小さなアクセサリーを身に着けられれば、素敵じゃないですか??

It says NO! It's not No1.

It says NO!
It’s not No1.


Posted in Uncategorized | So, some of the resulting “letters” / で、たとえばこんな文字が~ はコメントを受け付けていません

Letters! / アルファベットでした

The “enigmatic drawing” I posted yesterday is a template I use when I weave some seed beads (those tiny ones) into letters of alphabet. Below, I hope you see two letters, “N” and “O” — though they are slanting.
Before I start weaving actual seeds, I have to prepare those templates, to make sure the resulting bead pieces do look like letters of alphabet.

Yet in the case of this particular work in progress, what am I going to create??  You’ll see in a few days —

昨日の「謎めいた図」は、シードビーズ(一番小型のビーズ)を編んでアルファベット文字を作るときに使う、テンプレートでした!(今日の)下の写真で、N と O にお気づきになりますでしょうか? ここでは、斜めになっていますけどね。

それは、また2~3日中に …





Posted in Uncategorized | Letters! / アルファベットでした はコメントを受け付けていません

Can you guess what this is?? / これ一体なんだ? 分かりますか?

Yes, I’m already working on the next thing. I began with this stuff — well, not very pretty, but what is is anyway???
When a beading artist begins to work, you might suppose he/she first collects all the necessary beads and other parts, estimates the length of fishing line necessary, and cuts the line accordingly — the plain fact is, usually NO.
Usually, she/he starts off with some drawings! And in some case, one of such drawings can be something like this!

ビーズのアーティストが作品の創作を始めるとき、まずは必要なビーズやパーツを集めて、必要なテグス線の長さを推定し、テグスを切ることから始める ・・・ とお考えの方々も、いらっしゃるでしょう。実は、多くの場合、そうではありません。

To begin with ---

To begin with —

Posted in Uncategorized | Can you guess what this is?? / これ一体なんだ? 分かりますか? はコメントを受け付けていません

Onto the next —> 次の作品へ

After the “Joky bracelet” below, I am already working on the next work.
In a few days, I will make my first post about it.


Posted in Uncategorized | Onto the next —> 次の作品へ はコメントを受け付けていません